Norwegians are sometimes said to have seawater in their veins. As a nation, Norway has always lived off of the sea. The whole coastline is dotted with small villages where fishing is still an important part of the local lifestyle. Thanks to the cold and clear waters and a strong focus on sustainability, the Norwegian seas have abundant stocks of many fish and shellfish.
The fishermen in the Lofoten Islands use bottom long-lines, which are spread horizontally along the seabed. Bottom long-lines have less problems with seabird by-catch than other long-lines, and have less impact on the seabed.

SKREI: The Wanderer

A Seasonal Delicacy. Skrei is an Arctic Winter Cod, whic can only be found in Norway during the winter months. The Skrei migrates a thousand kilometers every year, from the icy Arctic Barents Sea all the way to the Norwegian Lofoten Islands, so that it may spawn in its birthplace.
It is at this time that the Norwegian fishermen of the Lofoten Islands embark on their biggest fishing adventure of the year. From the beginning of January till the end of April Skrei can be found in select fine supermarkets and restaurants.
Skrei has firm white meat that is lean and absolutely delicious and allow for easy processing and preparation of the fish. Skrei is rich in protein, vitamins and minerals. One serving (150 g) of Skrei provides the recommended daily amount of essential Omega3 fatty acids.